Friday, October 17, 2008

Can McCain Win?

On the National Review Online blog there is a post titled "Steady, Now...". In it, Bill Whittle argues that John McCain can still win the 2008 Presidential campaign by November 4, 2008. Bill Whittle, according to Wikipedia, "is a popular blogger, essayist, national TV editor, and author of the book Silent America." He is a conservative and does not believe in a "Supreme Being." Whittle's intended audience is all Republicans, McCain/Palin supporters, and Obama/Biden opposers. The post begins with a sports metaphor. Whittle states that he is a college football fan. More specifically, Whittle is a Gator fan. He explains how upsetting it was to watch the Gator football team lose when he attended the University of Florida. One instance imparticular was when they played the Georgia Bulldogs. Florida was winning by one, with 90 seconds left, and in 20 seconds Georgia comes up with the lead. Whittle explains, "The last six weeks of McCain’s campaign have felt like those twenty seconds." Whittle then describes a scenario where a losing team comes up with a first down with less than three minutes left, and the fans get excited because they see that their team is not going to give up. According to Whittle, if "the fans" get into the game, then McCain will gather momentum and win the election. It is not something that has never happened. When an underdog gets momentum, the "sure winner" gets caught off guard and panics. Whittle sees McCain's use of Joe the Plumber and quotes such as, "You should have run against President Bush," as game changers. He also reminds the audience that the other team wants them to give up, but that the audience should not play into that trap. Whittle does a great job throughout this post exciting his intended audience. Giving them hope for victory, and encouraging them not to give up. It felt like a locker room speech at half time when your team is behind. I personally, as a Republican, do not think McCain will win. I have predicted Obama's victory for over a year now, despite my dislike for him. People seem to cling to Obama. Even the mass media seems to be more bias for Obama. All that Whittle's intended audience can do now is vote McCain.

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