Friday, November 14, 2008

Comment on Yohannes' "Does race really matter?"

You are right! It disgusts me that so many people are still cursed with racism. I honestly do not understand it. Everyone is human, and that is what counts. If Obama was a horse, then he should stick out, but he is only a man. Obama received about 96% of the black vote on November 4. I would not be surprised if most of the people in that 96% only voted for Obama because he is black. It is a bit ironic if you ask me. I do not want to sound racist, but it seems to me like the black population is always the first group of people to bring up racism, and complain about it. But then we see 96% of African-Americans vote for the black candidate. All I am saying is, if Obama was white, he would have lost a large percent of the black votes.

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