Friday, December 12, 2008

Comment on "expectations for Obama"

I agree with you. It will be a difficult term for President Obama. Anyone that thinks he is going to save the day is living in a fairy tale. My economics teacher mentioned that he will probably be a one term president. He has a lot of things to deal with. He has been placed in the middle of some bad left-overs. We will just have to wait and see what happens.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Bush Can't Just Leave!

An article in Time titled, "George W. Bush's Last Environmental Stand," shares some of the changes that the Bush Administration feels must be done before they have no more power. These new changes are going to damage America's environment, and the article does not discuss the Bush Administration's purpose behind these changes. The article makes the Bush Administration look like their main goal is to upset people and hurt the environment. I think what the Bush Administration is doing is foolish and pointless. According to the article, the new changes will affect three major areas of our environment, power plant pollution, endangered species, and water quality.

For power plants, whenever an upgrade occurs, the Environmental Protection Agency reviews the plant to make sure it does not release too much pollution. If it does, it must make changes. The Bush Administration wants to change the rule so that plants focus on the hourly emission rate rather than the total amount of emissions. This will increase pollution in America's air.

For endangered species, when a development project is approved, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service reviews the project to make sure it does not interfere with the lifestyle and safety of any endangered species. The Bush Administration wants to change the rule so that the federal agency in charge of the development project can determine if there will be a potential impact on endangered species. Of course the agency that is doing the project is going to say that there will be no impact on endangered species. This change will possibly make it easier for us to lose some of our endangered species.

For water quality, there is a 100-foot buffer zone around streams that protect the streams from mining operations. Although the Bush Administration want to put up more buffer zone so that lakes and wetlands will also have them, the Bush Administration is also reclassifying valley fills and other waste from mining as non-pollutant. This will increase water pollution overall.

I do not know what the Bush Administration was trying to accomplish with these last minute changes, but it does not seem like they put much thought into them. They definately were not trying to make Obama's life easier.

Bush, why can't you just leave?!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Comment on Yohannes' "Does race really matter?"

You are right! It disgusts me that so many people are still cursed with racism. I honestly do not understand it. Everyone is human, and that is what counts. If Obama was a horse, then he should stick out, but he is only a man. Obama received about 96% of the black vote on November 4. I would not be surprised if most of the people in that 96% only voted for Obama because he is black. It is a bit ironic if you ask me. I do not want to sound racist, but it seems to me like the black population is always the first group of people to bring up racism, and complain about it. But then we see 96% of African-Americans vote for the black candidate. All I am saying is, if Obama was white, he would have lost a large percent of the black votes.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Do Not Vote For Obama!

I want to start off by saying that I do not support John McCain. I just dislike Barack Obama so much that I am going to vote for the lesser of two evils. For a long time I was considering writing someone in on my ballot, such as Ron Paul or Mike Huckabee, or just voting for an independent like Ralph Nader or "Bob" Barr. Then, I realized that I did not want to waste my vote away. Obama is more likely to lose if I vote for someone that has a chance.

The media coverage for this 2008 Presidential campaign has been the most bias coverage I have ever witnessed. John McCain and Sarah Palin seem to have drawn the short straw, because Barack Obama and Joe Biden get away with everything. Joe Biden has said numerous things that support McCain and/or bring down Obama.
When talking about McCain, Biden has said:
"The only guy on the other side who’s qualified is John McCain."
"John McCain is a personal friend, a great friend, and I would be honored to run with or against
John McCain, because I think the country would be better off, be well off no matter who..."
"I’ve been calling for more troops for over two years, along with John McCain and others
subsequent to my saying that."
When talking about Obama, Biden has said:
"Look, the truth is the four major things he called for, well, hell that’s what I called for," reacting
to an Obama speech on counterterrorism.
"My impression is [Obama] thinks that if we leave, somehow the Iraqis are going to have an
epiphany. I’ve seen zero evidence of that," assessing Obama's Iraq plan.
"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean
and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man."
"The more people learn about them (Obama and Hillary) and how they handle the pressure, the
more their support will evaporate."
"When this campaign is over, political slogans like ‘experience’ and ‘change’ will mean absolutely
nothing. The next president has to act.”
"I think he can be ready, but right now I don't believe he is. The presidency is not something
that lends itself to on-the-job training."
"The way to deal with it is not to announce it, it's to do it. . . . The last thing you want to do is
telegraph to the folks in Pakistan that we're about to violate . . . their sovereignty," refferring
Obama's threat to go into Pakistan after Al Qaeda.
"Would I make a blanket commitment to meet unconditionally with the leaders of each of those
countries within the first year I was president? Absolutely, positively no," refferring to
Obama's pledge to meet with leaders of rogue nations.
"Mark my words. It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama. The world is
looking. We're going to have an international crisis to test the mettle of this guy. I guarantee
you it's gonna happen."
I do not understand why Biden is not having a more difficult time explaining these quotes. It sounds like he likes his opponent more than his running mate. If it was Palin, she would be chewed out by every mass media source and every American.

Barack Obama clearly does not have his priorities straight. He has said, "Well, the first thing I'd do as President is sign the freedom of choice act." This means that the highest thing on his priorities list is making sure that Americans can murder babies as easily as possible. Whether you are pro-life or pro-choice this should concern you. Our economy is failing and we are fighting in two wars. Killing babies should not be Obama's top priority if he is President.

Another thing I dislike about Obama is the fact that he is a Socialist, or at least has a Socialist thought process. Barack Obama was a card-carrying, contract-signed socialist in spring of 1996, when he was part of the New Party. Also, in 2006 Obama campaigned for his cousin Raila Odinga in Kenya at taxpayer expense. Odinga pledged to distribute the countries wealth more evenly. This is Socialism 101, and Obama helped campaign for it. When Odinga lost, his supporters went on a killing spree. Now, in 2008 Obama is running the same campaign in America. Just ask Joe the Plumber. Obama told Joe, "I think when you spread the wealth around it's good for everybody." Socialism is a gateway to Communism, and I do not know why Americans are taking that chance by supporting Obama.

The people that have been in Obama's life are not helping his reputation either. If it is true that the apple does not fall far from the tree, then Americans should be more concerned about Obama's company than they are being. I already mentioned Obama's connection with Odinga. There is also Jeremiah Wright. Obama attended Wright's church for 20 years and never complained until America found out who Wright is. Wright is a radical, racist, America hating preacher. Obama allowed this man to brainwash him for 20 years without complaint. I do not care who you are. If you let someone teach you his/her ideals for 20 years, you will tend to absorb some of that ideology into your own beliefs. Another person is Bill Ayers. Bill Ayers is a radical activist who bombed several public buildings, including the Pentagon. Ayers' only regret is that he did not use more bombs. Ayers is an easy person for Obama to explain away, but all these people add up. There is also Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan. Obama is not directly associated with him, but he has described Obama as the Messiah. This is very dangerous. Obama has also received support from Khalid Al-Mansour. Who is a racist, radical Muslim. All these ties show that Obama has history and relationships with radicalism and socialism. We do not need this man to be our president.

I also dislike Obama because he claims to be a Christian. I find this interesting because many of the things he does are not things that Christians should do. He is pro-homosexual agenda, which God is opposed to (Leviticus 18:22). He is pro-abortion, even though God forbids us to kill (Exodus 20:13). He mocks people for "clinging to guns and religion." He has even mocked the Bible. Also, in an interview, Obama slipped and said he had Muslim faith. The reporter immediately corrected him, help that no Republican candidate would have found, but a closer look shows the following. has reported that "public records in Indonesia listed Obama as Muslim during his early years, and a number of childhood friends claimed to the media Obama was a mosque-attending Muslim."

Please keep Barack Obama out of the White House. He has been influened by radials and by Socialists. He is confused as to what religion he is part of. His priorities are wrong. He is inexperienced. His supporters are dangerous. Why take the chance? Our country is too important.

Just some videos that show what you support if you vote for Obama: <===*VERY GRAPHIC CONTENT

Friday, October 17, 2008

Can McCain Win?

On the National Review Online blog there is a post titled "Steady, Now...". In it, Bill Whittle argues that John McCain can still win the 2008 Presidential campaign by November 4, 2008. Bill Whittle, according to Wikipedia, "is a popular blogger, essayist, national TV editor, and author of the book Silent America." He is a conservative and does not believe in a "Supreme Being." Whittle's intended audience is all Republicans, McCain/Palin supporters, and Obama/Biden opposers. The post begins with a sports metaphor. Whittle states that he is a college football fan. More specifically, Whittle is a Gator fan. He explains how upsetting it was to watch the Gator football team lose when he attended the University of Florida. One instance imparticular was when they played the Georgia Bulldogs. Florida was winning by one, with 90 seconds left, and in 20 seconds Georgia comes up with the lead. Whittle explains, "The last six weeks of McCain’s campaign have felt like those twenty seconds." Whittle then describes a scenario where a losing team comes up with a first down with less than three minutes left, and the fans get excited because they see that their team is not going to give up. According to Whittle, if "the fans" get into the game, then McCain will gather momentum and win the election. It is not something that has never happened. When an underdog gets momentum, the "sure winner" gets caught off guard and panics. Whittle sees McCain's use of Joe the Plumber and quotes such as, "You should have run against President Bush," as game changers. He also reminds the audience that the other team wants them to give up, but that the audience should not play into that trap. Whittle does a great job throughout this post exciting his intended audience. Giving them hope for victory, and encouraging them not to give up. It felt like a locker room speech at half time when your team is behind. I personally, as a Republican, do not think McCain will win. I have predicted Obama's victory for over a year now, despite my dislike for him. People seem to cling to Obama. Even the mass media seems to be more bias for Obama. All that Whittle's intended audience can do now is vote McCain.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Do Parents Know Where Their Kids Are?

I found a commentary from The Christian Science Monitor written by Marilyn Gardner titled, "Most Parenets Do Know Where Their Kids Are." In her commentary, Gardner argues that "American parents are more involved in their children's lives than they were 10 years ago." Gardner states that the US Census Bureau reports that parents are "reading to their children more often, eating more meals together, and monitoring their children's TV viewing." According to Gardner and her findings, parents are more protective of their children and their protection starts early. Parents are using mini-license plates that they attach to their baby's stroller in order to monitor the nanny when they are not home. Other than nannycams, Gardner mentions that parents use GPS monitoring, instant messaging, and cellphones to keep track of their kids. Some parents, such as David Eigen, have access to a website that allows them to keep track of their kids with GPS monitoring. Eigen explains, "I've never done it, but they know I have it." Many parents however, see GPS monitoring too extreme. Gardner goes on to explain the importance of being an involved parent. Columbia University's Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse says that almost "1 in 5 American teens say they live with 'hands off' adults" which puts "these teenagers at a four-times greater risk for smoking, drinking, and illegal drug use." On the other hand, Gardner found a study from Britain that shows that "some parents need to be slightly more hands-off when it comes to children's performance at school and elsewhere." So, in the end it seems that parental involvement and protectiveness has to find its balance.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Lindsay Lohan tries to join the campaign?

An article from The Christian Science Monitor titled, "First it was Paris and Britney, now Lindsay joins the campaign," caught my attention today. The article talks about how Lindsay Lohan offered to help the Obama campaign by reaching out to the younger voters. The Obama campaign told her, "Thanks, but no thanks." This somehow upset Lindsay Lohan and her father, who has complained to FOX News and TMZ. This article is interesting to me for a number of reasons. First of all, it is sick and sad that the presidential campaign is a popularity contest and no longer about the issues. I want people to talk about the important things that are going on in this country, not who has the most celebrities that support them. Secondly, Paris Hilton, Britney Spears, and Lindsay Lohan are probably the worst celebrities you could have supporting your campaign. Everyone knows that they are just spoiled, rich girls who have no concept of responsiblity, and they have a hard time keeping their lives together. For me, the fact that these celebrities support Obama makes me dislike Obama even more, because he is doing something that appeals to people that have a bad moral conscience. Lastly, it is unbelievable that this is even an article. There is a comment on this article posted by Rusty that says, "This is toooo funny!! Wall Street is crashing and we are talking about Lohan getting her feelings hurt!!" Rusty is completely right. Who cares about Lindsay Lohan when our country is hurting.